The Dancing Wu Li Masters in Stanford

Overall the trip out west was both a refreshing change of scenery and a much needed change of perspective. It is interesting how changing ones 'physical space' reveals things about oneself that you probably would have otherwise overlooked. It part of growing as a human being and is often times overlooked in our society. I finished reading Zukov's The Dancing Wu Li Masters in the Palo Alto Starbucks off Sand Hill Road. The book was a decent - at times it went off on tagents -- but overall a good read and I certainly learned a thing or two. It was ironic that Zukov started the book with a chapter called 'weekend at big sur' -considering my trip there and where I finished the read. Bike riding in Stanford was great and the Stanford University campus was quite impressive. I could have spent days exploring that bookstore and the mission church was amazing.

I must say that staying at the SLAC Guest House does grow on you after the first day of dorm room flashbacks and the bike rentals are icing on the cake. I left my toohbrush there and I will be back - not just for my toohbrush. I had some extra time on Tuesday and went back to Big Sur another time (hey unlimited rental miles). I stopped in at the Redwood Grill for some great fodd andsome local beers before my 2 hour drive back to Menlo Park. Here are a few shots on my way there and back. Just me and my shadow -- waving goodbye for now.


Jacob Mathai said…
my camera is wacky --picture is a little weird -- Thanks!